Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Peach Of A Meal

So sometimes I go to the farmers' market and get a little out of control. This past week they had the first tiny gorgeous carrots of the season, tender baby leeks, corn, peas, peaches....too much for my heart to take. Sometimes I get so excited and overwhelmed that I buy one of everything. Sometimes we end up having plans and don't eat at home for a few days. Sometimes I have to cook it all at once. Sometimes that really works out. Yum. 

Chicken with Peaches
Serves 4
WW pts 4

This was perfect as these were the early small peaches and a bit too tart for just eatin'. Use a skillet with a lid that can go in the oven.

4 Chicken breasts (boneless, skinless)
orange juice (light)
balsamic vinegar
1/2 red onion
6 small peeled, pitted peaches.

Preheat oven to 350. Dust the chicken in flour with some cayenne, salt and pepper. Brown in a little veg oil over medium high. When brown, pour in enough OJ to cover the bottom (or about a cup). Drizzle in about a tablespoon of honey and 1/4 balsamic vinegar. Toss in the onion & peaches, cover & put in the oven. Take it out after 30 minutes. Eat it.

Sauteed Baby Leeks
Best Ever. You cannot argue. 

Peel off the outer leaf or too. Chop up. Toss in olive oil, course salt, fresh pepper, minced garlic and thyme.  Heat a small skillet over med-high. Cook while stirring till tender. About 7 minutes. Wish you made more.

Roasted Carrots
Same as the leeks, but place them on a cookie sheet in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes instead. Or sauté it and teach me a lesson.

We also had corn on the cob and a slice of bread. Extra yum.

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